Baseball Toaster was unplugged on February 4, 2009.
Ken: catfish AT zombia d.o.t. com
Ryan: rarmbrust AT gmail d.o.t. com
Philip: kingchimp AT alamedanet d.o.t net
I'll keep this short, since I've never been one to dwell on the reasons for a loss for too long.
There were two things I distinctly didn't care for in last night's game.
One, the weird strikezone:
The pitch on the left is a called strike that hit the corner of the plate. Good pitch. The pitch on the right is a called strike that missed my about a foot and a half outside. What the hell?
The second thing that I didn't care for in the least was Jay Witasick's continued inability to do his job any better than that lady down at the DMV who gave my aunt's blind friend a driver's license.
That is not where you want to miss on a hanging slider to Vlad Guerrero with two runners on base. Here's a doctored image of where you want to miss with Vlad:
That should be just outside his strike zone...
The perfect merging of blogs and sports analysis. More please...
I have no idea what Geren was thinking, Vlad vs Witasick had that outcome written all over it. Anyone but Witasick is my motto, honestly he shouldn't get into a close game for the rest of the year. I don't care how much he's making.
It's still early enough in the season that Geren is figuring out what he's going to get from people.
Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.